
Georgia Girl Goes Viral For Looking Just Like Trevor Lawrence

TikTok is all the rage these days. The platform dominated by the youth is being called the future of social media by a lot of "experts."

I'm a bit older than a lot of the youth on the platform so I don't relate to all of the #content, but there is a lot of videos I do chuckle at. This one is the perfect example:

That TikTok has over 238,000 likes and was born through a simple conversation in APUSH:

SOURCE-This all started in U.S. History class.

Martina, an AP student who thinks she might like to be a journalist one day, was sitting in class at Centennial High when one of her friends on the boys soccer team tapped her on the shoulder.

His younger brother had just seen a picture of Lawrence on Snapchat, another social media platform, and took a screenshot of it to send along.

“(My friend) taps me and he’s like, ‘My brother just said you look like Trevor Lawrence,’” Martina said.

“I was like, ‘What?! I look like Trevor?’ and they’re all going ‘Yeah, yeah,’ and so then we started showing everybody in the class. They were all like, ‘Oh my gosh. Yeah. You have to do a side-by-side.”’

That conversation led to the TikTok above and then a "duet" done by Trevor Lawrence: 

And Bella has since made another one:

Bella now has 41,000 followers on TikTok. Pretty much because she looks like Trevor Lawrence. A great lesson in leaning into jokes, instead of getting butthurt by them. Plus, Bella has a Halloween costume forever. 

P.s. Bella isn't the first look-alike to surface: