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A Picture Of Me Taking A Picture Of The Stones Found Via Random Purchase Made Internet Noise™

As one of the older blokes here at Barstool, “going viral” used to mean something very different and certainly not something anybody was looking to do. At all.

Especially after Magic added 6″ to the Gettin’ Pussy Mound back in ’91. But the Internet done changed that and now it pays the bills.

While digging for some shit or other, I stumbled across this issue, my only ever issue, of UNCUT magazine. And discovered this old random story with my photo to mark the story and decided to spontaneously make my first ever Twitter thread. I know some can be obnoxious but every once in awhile, I’m moved by one. I figured that loyal followers and music followers would dig it and that would be it. I was wrong.


Ho-Lee-Fuck. I was overwhelmed by the feedback.

Just to clarify things, I had known about this right away and it blew me the fuck away. So I made sure to tuck it away. Tucked away so good that I didn’t stumble across it until a week or so ago. When I re-remembered the likelihood of:

1. My future old lady in a random check-out line before my birthday, seeing a band I liked, Led Zeppelin, on the cover of a mag and completely missing STONES at the top of the page. “It’s weird. I knew you liked them but they weren’t your #1. But it was your birthday and I was in line and just grabbed [a magazine she’d never seen or heard of before] for you because they were on it.”

2. This issue photographed what, to was a Rolling Stones junkie, nirvana. A tight set at Manhattan’s Beacon Theatre with fucking Buddy Guy and Christina Aguerila melting the place as Martin Scorsese filmed it to make his concert doc, “Shine A Light” and I happened to be there and made a blink-and-you-miss-it fan cameo during “Satisfaction” (ironically, months after missing out on a SHUTTER ISLAND gig as as a screw because of Scorsese’s hardcore uni code, it was a legit .5 inches that kept me from getting Leo’s pussy shrapnel for a week at SAG pay. And I shit you not, after I got rejected from a Scorsese flick, my Sirius Radio’s Rolling Stones station cued up “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” as if to rub life’s balls in my face. But I digress.)

3. The photographer shooting within a second of me and catching, in his shot, me catching the Stones in my shot.


So, I figured I’d share on Twitter cuz it’s so much fucking easier than blogging. And, like I said, the feedback truly made me feel good that I was able to make people feel joy seeing it. Legit only “two dickheads” which nailed the under of 19.5.

But the Forrest Gumpness of it all, that is just happens to a guy who has a tongue on his left thigh because Mick Jagger mesmerized him as a nine-year-old with this and a random purchase catches a moment in time that can only happen because, shit, it was meant to happen. Then the love from people about the whole uniqueness and randomness of it all made me realize just how fucking cool it actually was and how much people dug it.

So viral or not, I’ll leave that up to 8ballNoSwag, I’m glad people have enjoyed this because there’s nothing like the healing power of a rock and roll concert and the vibes it can give off. This is testament to it (plus look at that fucking Jagger pic I took!).

But either way, I saw it on Twitter Memories and Time so I figured I ought wet Davey Pageview’s beak.

All Smitty “jokes” kidding aside, I’m honored that people loved this on Twitter so I’d be remiss not to post it here, where I made my bones.

Long live the fucking Rolling Stones. Now cry yourselves to sleep, bitches.
