
Feel Good Story Of The Day: Dog Is Found Alive After Weeks Of Being Trapped Under Hurricane Wreckage

Been a rough go of things, needless to say.  Taking shrapnel in all walks of life.  But this… this made me feel good, even if it were only temporary relief.  I NEEDED this.  Dogs, man.  They’re the fucking best.  So goddamn resilient.  If I had gotten pinned down by Hurricane wreckage I would have succumbed to death in like 30 minutes tops.  Mostly because I’d be really bored and I have the attention span of a fruit fly.  I’d Just say fuck it and hold my breath until I passed out dead or something.

Not dogs though.  They scratch and claw and adapt and overcome.  Miracle here is the perfect example.  What a good pooch.  Hope her* owner is found and he* gets a welcome home with nothing but bones and treats and belly rubs.

*They bounced back and forth between calling Miracle “he/him” and “she/her” in the videos.

Now I never EVER assume one’s gender.  It’s 2019 people.  We’re all “it’s” or “theys” or something like that these days.  But correct me if I’m wrong – doesn’t Miracle have a wang?

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Now I’m not a scientist but I swear that’s a wang.  Which is why I’m not so sure I like this quack ass veterinarian taking care of Miracle.  If he can’t appropriately determine a dog’s sex with it’s wang dangling 2 inches from his hand then how are he supposed to nurse it back to health after it’s been pinned under Hurricane wreckage for multiple weeks?  Something stinks with him.  Stinks to high heavens.  And I’m not talking about the Salmon dish he’s serving Miracle.