
The Highest Grossing Actor Of All Time Responds To Martin Scorsese's Claim That Comic Book Movies Aren't Cinema

“I didn’t pay much attention to it. I mean, that’s like saying, you know, Bugs Bunny aint funny. Films are films.”

I mostly just like reminding people that Samuel L. Jackson is the highest grossing actor in cinematic history. Especially since that total does NOT include his cameos in two of the five highest grossing films of all time. The $7.1 Billion he’s stacked up is really closer to $9 Billion, domestic, if you’d be so inclined to count those. So while he is an integral piece of the Marvel cinematic franchise and is defending his own work, I don’t think that should discredit his take in the slightest if we’re to take the opposing side’s stance at face value in the first place.

He’s right, movies are movies. Simple and plain. I don’t know why he pulled the race card on behalf of Italian-Americans, none of which I’ve ever heard say a bad word about Scorsese, but I’m not going to tell the voice of Alexa how to handle his business. I do appreciate him bringing Bugs Bunny into this out of nowhere. Because I think we can all agree that if you don’t find Bugs Bunny funny you can take your ass on home.

Hopefully these GOODFELLAS coworkers can find some common ground once again.