
The United States Patent Office Has DENIED Ohio State's Attempt To Trademark The Word "THE"

Well Buckeye fans, we may have lost the battle but we have not yet lost THE war. I say we take this all the way to the Supreme Court. With the largest and most powerful alumni base in the entire world, at some point we're going to run into a judge that will rule in our favor.

The fact of the matter is that no one in their right mind uses a word like "THE" unless they are associating it with Ohio State. I'm not talking about "The". I'm talking about "THE". And you can hate on the Buckeyes all you want, you and I both know that you pronounced those words differently in your head.

And I'm not just saying this is a ridiculous ruling just because I'm a graduate of The Ohio State University. I'm saying it because I'm a proponent of protecting intellectual property. The fact that these rats can monetize off other people's ideas is flat out disgusting. Are there not rules in this country?

Shout out to the US Parent and Trademark Office though. They now have more wins against Ohio State than Jim Harbaugh.

Michigan v Ohio State