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I'm Not Sure I've Ever Seen A More Effective Way To Stop Cheating On An Exam Than Putting Cardboard Boxes Over The Students Heads

A teacher in Mexico faces fierce backlash after a photo emerged of his students with cardboard boxes over their heads. Initial reports said that the boxes were meant to prevent the students from copying each other’s answers during an exam. The image sparked outcry among the parents, who accused the campus head, Luis Juarez Texis, of “humiliating” his class and inflicting “physical, emotional and psychological violence.” The parents called for Texis to be dismissed. The college, however, responded by saying that it was not an exam but a “playful activity” in which all students had agreed to participate – a “dynamic exercise” to assist the development of “psychomotor skills.”

Yeah, okay buddy. This is defffffinitely a "dynamic exercise" to develop the students' psychomotor skills....

I know some people have their kids play sports or work with shapes to develop these dexterities, but the most effective way is to have kids put cardboard boxes over their head and take their exam.

Bologna. The initial reports were that the boxes were meant to prevent cheating, and I refuse to believe otherwise, mostly because I absolutely love the move.

You be the judge of what's going on here:


This is a cut and dry case. This teacher was clearly fed up with the low effort, high scores of the class, and he decided to take action.

"Johnny, how did you do none of the homework, didn't come to the study session, and still get a 95% on the quiz...? Come put this cardboard box on your head."


And although the media may lead you believe that there was a huge public outcry over this situation, my investigative research told me that people LOVED it.

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I agree! Excellent technique. Congratulations to the teacher!

Anyone that's upset over this needs to understand the motive behind it. This wasn't to embarrass kids. This wasn't to humiliate them.  This was so the students could show what THEY know. If everyone gets a good grade from having wandering eyes, then the teacher doesn't know what he should go back and cover again!

And yeah I know that here in the United States we can just have the kids spread out or put folders up around their desk, but not everyone has the same resources we have. But luckily there's plenty of cardboard boxes to go around.