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I Present To You The Most RIDICULOUS Way Possible To Win A Basketball Game: Blocking A Free Throw

Gonna go ahead and chalk this one up to a new way to win the game. Now, let’s preface this with the rule. In FIBA you’re allowed to take the ball off the rim. You just can’t touch the net or come up through the net. Personally? I love it. Give me shit like this.

So the video explains itself. Greece with a FT to tie the game, sitting on the rim and Brazil swats it away. That’s gotta be the most ridiculous way to lose/win a game, right? I mean we see full court shots a few times a year. We see wild endings. We see crazy shots. I don’t remember ever seeing a game ending like this – even in the World Cup or Olympics.

PS: It’s AWESOME having live sports on during the day. Give me morning basketball, especially when it’s close games like this, every day of the week please.