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Iso Joe Called Championship!!

Iso Joe stand up!! What an incredible Big 3 run for your first year playing if you’re Joe Johnson. Basically broke every Big 3 record there was, play on the best team that also broke all sorts of records, win the MVP

and now the game winning three for his first ever championship. Doesn’t hurt that he also threw up a cool 28/6 in the title game, no wonder he’s getting legit NBA workouts. Everyone in the building knew Joe Johnson was getting that ball on the inbounds and even still he came through with the dagger title winner. That’s the cold blooded Iso Joe I know and love. It’s only fitting that this was how his Big 3 season ended, he played possessed from the jump and just like they said on the broadcast if he gets over 20 it’s a wrap for you. That happened today and now he’s a champion. What an awesome story.

If this isn’t the icing on a cake for a GM to give him a roster spot I don’t know what is. Carried his team to the title round and then showed up biggest when it mattered most. Joe Johnson is about to make Big 3 history and turn this whole thing into an NBA job. Incredible.