
Michael Irvin Has Me Ready To Run Through A Brick Wall

Off the strength of this video, that chain, and the *intensity* coursing through Michael Irvin’s veins I’m ready to pencil the Canes into the 2020 national title game. I don’t care if they have a first year head coach, a freshman QB, and a transfer QB considering playing some WR. Literally none of that matters at this point in time. Because all of those things happened in the pre-Michael Irvin screaming at everyone world. That world that we knew just mere hours ago is as good as dead. We’re now in the post-Michael Irvin screaming the fear of GOD into the 2019-2020 Miami Hurricanes world. I think we’re in for some Jimmy Johnson era Canes football this year. I’m talking fishscale and fatigues, bashing in opponents’ skulls one by one, Uncle Luke paying recruits with cigarette boats, and loading up the first round with All Pro after All Pro. THE U IS BACK, BABY!

PS – This video just reenforces how much of a fucking narc Goodell really is. Michael Irvin is one of the greatest wide receivers of all time at every level of the game and if he played in modern times he’d never see the field due to constant suspensions for being cool. Josh Gordon’s only flaw is that he was born 20 years too late.