
Beer League Divas Are The Worst People On Earth

Let me start off by saying, I’m not sure if this kid is kidding around or if he is serious, but I think I speak for everyone who has ever played beer league hockey when I say if this kid is serious he is the worst person on the planet. No helmet and airpods for warmups? Could someone be more of a dbag?

These dudes are the worst kind of people. You know the guy I am talking about. The guy on your team who wets his hair before warmups, the guy who wears a tinted visor and still buys new elbow pads just so he can say he’s got the latest vapor 10000s. You can usually find him before the game stick handling a golf ball and during the games he can be found telling the ref he got the 2nd assist on the last goal scored. Just the absolute worst kind of person.

And look, I love the idea of no bucky warmups just as much as the next guy, I do. But no bucky warms up are for people who are actually good at hockey. Not schmucks like me and this kid. Anyone who goes no helmet in warmups of a beer league game is worthy of being ripped in a blog, but then you add in the fact this kid is wearing air pods and you’ve got to almost respect the troll job against the other team? I don’t think I would be able to focus for a minute of the game if I was playing against this kid. My mind would only want to chirp him, nothing else.

So maybe it was a good move for this kid to go airpods and no bucket in warmups. But regardless, this guy sucks.