
Adam Silver Is Going To Ruin Michael Porter Jr After He Gave Out Silver's Cell Phone Number On Snapchat

To be honest I’m not totally positive about doxxing rules/laws/etc and don’t really feel like getting yelled at so search Michael Porter Jr on Twitter to see it for yourself.

By now I’m sure someone in the league office has shut down this number, but man what an all time boneheaded move by Michael Porter Jr at the very event where young players in the league are supposed to be learning how to not make boneheaded mistakes. Now the email and office line aren’t a secret, that’s public information you can find out on the internet, but to give out the man’s cell phone number? MPJ is big time fucked. If there’s one dude you don’t want to piss off it’s Adam Silver. He simply gives me the vibes that he is not someone you want to screw over. Maybe it’s because he sort of looks like an evil villain, but when you run one of the most powerful sports leagues on the planet I feel like you’re capable of anything.

And if we’re being honest, there is nothing worse than having to get a new cell phone number. I’ve had the same number since I was like 16 and I’ll probably have it until the day I die. Nobody wants to head to Verizon or Sprint and take the time to get a new number. Then you need to tell everyone in your phonebook about it, make a FB status/tweet about getting a new number that nobody is going to give a shit about, the whole thing is really just a gigantic pain in the dick. You have to be a real jerk to send out a famous person’s cell phone number and chances are MPJ had no idea what he did in real time. Unfortunately for him, the internet and screenshots exist and now every Tom, Dick, and Harry is going to be hitting that number up either begging Silver to rig things for their favorite team or yell at him for some bullshit that screwed their favorite team out of a title.

We already saw MPJ miss all of last year due to injury, and I was pretty excited to see what he would look like joining an already stacked Nuggets team this season. Well now I’m pretty sure Silver is going to have this dude shipped to Siberia or something as payback. I can only imagine the panic that is starting to set in for MPJ because there is no way he doesn’t hear from Silver about this.

Pray for Michael Porter Jr, his ass is firmly in the jackpot.