
Fun Fact: The Philadelphia Seventy Sixers Will Never Lose A Game While Wearing These New Throwback Uniforms





When the Philadelphia Seventy Sixers Men’s Professional Basketball Team signed Ben Simmons to a new $170M deal, I’m sure that it put a little pressure on the team’s bank account. So what’s the best way to quickly and easily rake in a bunch of cash? Throw some new uniforms out there. And more specifically, release some throwback uniforms. Now I know that a bunch of Sixers fans would have preferred to have the ’01 black jerseys worn during the Iverson era but it probably makes more sense for the Sixers to bring those ones back next year when it’s the 20th anniversary of that season. In the meantime, we get these. And I may not be a big time fashion boy or anything like that, but these are a must cop.



The shorts alone could be the must-have item of the century as long as they have pockets. Short inseam, Liberty Bell on the waist, and I’m pretty glad the Sixers didn’t decide to go with an off-white look to them. It looks like maybe they threw that off-white in there on the NBA logo just to subtly get the throwback look in there, but the crispy white makes these puppies pop.

Unfortunately the Sixers said that they’ll only be wearing these a “few” times throughout the season. Which means that you can at least mark all of those games down as big wins for the boys. But you wear these 82 times per year and those are 82 guaranteed wins. Maybe they’ll make some mid-season changes to the wardrobe schedule once they go on a run. Tough break for the rest of the NBA, but I guess they needed to get used to this sooner or later.


“Get in, loser”.
