Luke Voit Has a Sports Hernia And Could Need Surgery....FUCKKKKKKKKK
We were doing the healthy thing for so long. Now we’ve reverted back to our old ways. Gary Sanchez is down. Giancarlo is still down. DJ LeMahieu is down. Betances/Sevy still down. Gardy is down. And now Luke Voit has a fucking sports hernia.
I feared this was the injury back in London. They diagnosed it as a core injury, he was placed on the 10 day I.L. and he actually came back on time 10 days later. Well, flash forward a few weeks to last night and Voit was pulled early, after just one at bat. He was noticeably grimacing. Not good. The news this morning came and it was expectedly not good. Sports hernia.
We’ll know in 48 hours how bad this is, but considering this is basically a re-aggravation, I’m assuming he’ll need the surgery. That means six weeks. Which means mid-September. I honestly think six weeks is optimistic, but I could be wrong. If it’s 6 weeks we can live with it. As long as he comes back.
It’s insane how the Yankee are 28 games over .500, nine up in the loss column on Tampa for first, and there could not be more negativity surrounding this team. The amount of fire power now on the I.L. parlayed with the uncertainty of this pitching staff is a big yikes. The starting pitcher market is dry. I don’t know where Cashman goes to get a guy right now. The offense should be fine, but I mean if you’re not going to improve the pitching you need to heavily rely on the offense. I’m going in circles here, but bottom line is…fuck. We’ll be fine, people will step up, but the next two months will be one wild ride to the postseason.
All I know is that thank god we got Edwin Encarnacion for literally nothing a month ago. Stanton really needs to get his shit together and get back here. He’s not doing baseball activities right now, but figure it out man. We need you. The city needs you. Get here.

P.S. Of course Greg Bird is nowhere near baseball activities. What a worthless human being.