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"The Simpsons" Treehouse Of Horror XXX Will Be Its 666th Episode


(IGN) – The first footage of The Simpsons: Season 31 debuted at Comic-Con today. The Simpsons panel offered attendees an exclusive first look at this year’s “Treehouse of Horror XXX” special, which also happens to be the series’ 666th episode.

The first clip comprised the entire cold opening of this year’s Halloween special, delivering a rapid-fire parody mash-up of The Omen and The Exorcist. It begins with Marge giving birth to her third child, with Homer alarmed to discover he’s about to have a second son. Dr. Hibbert comes to the rescue by offering to swap out their new son for a girl named Maggie, though he warns Homer “She tested positive for evil.”

Finally, those Comic-Con nerds bring me news I can actually use in my life. If you think this is an accident I’ve got some oceanfront property in Moose Jaw, Canada, to sell you. THE SIMPSONS have gone viral several times in recent memory due to their apparent soothsaying abilities – like predicting Trump as president or that Disney would straight up buy Fox in cash. THE SIMPSONS has always been ahead of the curve, always with an eye on tomorrow, and this is just another on the nose hit that they very clearly planned on 30 years ago.

Now I know what you’re saying, “But Coley, this SIMPSONS isn’t the same SIMPSONS as my SIMPSONS! Who gives a shit anymore?” And to you, I say, “Calm down, Seth MacFarlane. They’re working on multiple new STAR TREK movies, you’ve got plenty of other things to focus on right now. Please stop yelling at me.” I am not one of the weekly watchers of my favorite television program anymore, haven’t been in a long time. But you bet your rear end I’ll always check for the annual TREEHOUSE OF HORROR. Because it’s an event. To me it goes hand-in-hand with Halloween. I can never, and WILL never, separate the two. And this year’s STRANGER THINGS parody will be watched by me no questions asked. And then I’ll run a marathon of all the rest of them. And eat way too much candy and smoke too much weed. The more I think about it the more I realize that it will literally be no different than any other day of my action-packed existence.

Anyways, here are some of the best moments in TREEHOUSE OF HORROR history. This, kids, is what we call “bait for undeserved reader retention.”
