
Russell Westbrook Sending A Camper To The Center Of The Earth Was Very On Brand

Now this is what I’m talking about. Just yesterday I touched on my love for these type of videos when we had KAT actually showing signs of life on the defensive end, and now we can add Russell Westbrook to the list. I must say, it is the least surprising thing I’ve ever seen that what seemed like an innocent game of knockout was pretty much life or death for Westbrook. His whole performance throughout that entire video was pretty much on brand. As we know, Russ can’t school someone offensively without busting out his patented rock the baby troll, so right off the bat you knew he was at the top of his game. After watching the footage I do have to agree with him, that camper is far too small to contain Russ on the defensive end.

But then we get to the knockout portion of the video and this is where we see the true Russell Westbrook. You know that kid thought he had Westbrook on the ropes. He probably assumed Russ was going to take a jumper in that spot which we all know he wasn’t going to make. But instead we saw the savagery and will to win that we come to expect from Westbrook and instead he sends this poor child right into the center of the Earth. You could tell for that split second Westbrook took an innocent game of knock out 100000x too serious because honestly that’s all he knows. I’ll tell you what too, I’m starting to think this could be a positive for the Rockets. They need this level of ruthlessness on their team, not that fake tough guy Chris Paul shit. If this happened with CP3 I bet he lets the kid win. Westbrook smelled blood in the water and I guarantee he was talking shit immediately after making this shot even though the footage cuts out.

This video also reminded me of one of the best moments of my entire life. You see I too have participated in a game of knock out against an NBA legend and his name is Walter McCarty. Way back when at the Red Auerbach basketball camp at Brandeis University. It was pretty cool to see Red sitting in the stands smoking a cigar, and on the last day Walter McCarty challenged the whole camp to a game of knock out. I can’t remember if we (as children) were taking FTs and he was taking threes or what, but I remember to this day the moment I was knocked out by Walter McCarty and it is still one of the best moments of my life to date. Anyone who is around my age can attest it doesn’t really get much better than Walter. Hell I even named my magical puppy after him. That was way better than going through something like this in 2019 with the internet and NBA players that literally do not give a shit and will crush you in embarrassing fashion any chance they get.

Just know from here on out, don’t challenge Russell Westbrook to any sort of basketball competition unless you’re ready for him to come for blood.