
New York Billionaire Accused Of Cutting Public Parking Space Into A Driveway So Only He Can Park There

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Chicago Tribune - A billionaire hedge fund honcho carved out a personal driveway in a Manhattan sidewalk — and didn’t pay a dime for the annexation of public space.

Deep-pocketed investor Noam Gottesman — who built himself a corner compound on Jane and Washington streets in New York’s West Village over a decade ago — gave himself the ultimate upgrade during the renovation process: his own private parking spot on one of the city’s most coveted thoroughfares.

The sleight-of-hand was achieved thanks to what the NYC Department of Buildings says is an illegal curb cut — an unauthorized slice into the edges of the city sidewalk to make it appear as if a driveway exists at 777 Washington Street.

His team insisted in a city court hearing in May that the building has the right to a curb cut ― but in fact Gottesman, 58, installed his personal perk without the proper permits, and is maintaining it without permission, DOB confirmed to the New York Daily News.

I really thought I had seen it all when I posted this crazy parking blog about a guy who painted his address on his street to denote that this certain spot was his and his only:


But, now we got this big dick billionaire who one upped him by CARVING a piece of the curb off to throw people off. The whole thing is so absurd that you almost have to respect somebody for going that extra mile. If you go up and read that whole article it’s actually pretty funny with how the New York Daily News was just sending people over there to park in the spot so somebody can run out and tell them that they’re going to get towed.

I’m curious to know who you think made the bigger power move? The curb cutting takes things to another level because you can’t just do that by yourself, but at the same time the guys a fucking billionaire. He makes one phone call and it’s done. On the other hand the guy who went to Sherwin-Williams to buy a can of yellow and then did it himself is a special kind of psycho.

I’m still going with the curb cutter though.

Who you got?