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Some Young Names Are Being Tested To Play Elvis In A New Movie

(Deadline) “Baz Luhrmann is testing a top group of young actors for the role of Elvis Presley in his Warner Bros film about the legendary singer and his manager Colonel Tom Parker. Luhrmann filmed a group of actors last weekend, and will make a decision by next week. Tom Hanks is already set to play Presley’s manager, Parker.

The contenders: Ansel Elgort, The Fault in Our Stars and Baby Driver star; Miles Teller, who’s about to be seen in Top Gun: Maverick, and who nearly got the lead role in La La Land after starring in such films as Whiplash; Austin Butler, who is about to be seen in a breakout turn in Quentin Tarantino’s Once Upon a Time In Hollywood after playing in the cast of Jim Jarmusch’s The Dead Don’t Die.”

Harry Styles was also included in the article, but I think the obvious choice for this has to be Miles Teller right? Teller

He has the resemblance down perfectly, and he actually has a reasonably similar range? I’m a total moron with music/vocal shit, but from my unrefined ears their voices sound like they could be matched up.

I’ll just say that I’m casting my vote with him. As far as the conceit of the movie goes, I’m definitely not the worlds #1 Elvis fan or anything. However, I do respect the obviously huge impact he had on music in the 20th century. My grandma(RIPIP) was the 50’s equivalent of a stan for him as well (it might have been more than that, but I’m happy I never asked). I’m interested to see how this movie plays out, especially since I don’t really know a whole lot about Elvis other than him supposedly dying on the can. Also, will Miles Teller gain weight for later-life Elvis??? I sure wouldn’t if I was as yoked as he is right now for ‘Top Gun: Maverick’.

millesteller-bgus-1353622-001-1538409398 (1)As a production note, this is coming from Baz Luhrmann who directed ‘Romeo + Juliet’ (yuck) as well as ‘The Great Gatsby’ (meh) AND ‘Moulin Rouge!’ (Pretty darn good!). I’m curious to see what direction he takes it in considering that repertoire, but I’ll stay positive remembering that one Kanye remix from Great Gatsby.

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