
Cookie Monster Isn't Getting Enough Credit For His 7th Inning Stretch Yesterday

I respect my co-worker/friend Chief, but he couldn’t be more wrong with this take:

Cookie Monster killed it. He checked all the boxes except for one that I’ll get to in a minute.

A nice hello to the Cubs fans – Check

Gave out the old “let me hear ya” – Check

Changed his classic letter of the day “C” from cookies to Cubbies – Check

Knew all the words – Check

Said root root root for the Cubbies – Check

His only flaw is that he switched up lets get some runs to lets get some cookies which I’m not even sure is a flaw or not. We were up so we didn’t need anymore runs at the time and you have to respect a man that’s so dedicated to one thing. I mean cookies is in his fucking name.

Final 7th Inning Stretch Grade: A

It also helps that he got us a win: