
Of Course Marcus Smart Showed No Mercy And Destroyed Kids At His Basketball Camp


I am a simple man really. Once the NBA calendar turns to the summer there are three things I can’t get enough of

1. Free agency rumors

2. NBA Summer workout videos

3. Players destroying campers one on one

Maybe it’s just me, but as soon as the season ends I need those three things more than I need air to breathe. It’s stupid, I get that, but like I said I can’t get enough and will not apologize. You may remember just last year we had some quality ownage by the hands of Jayson Tatum during a few of his events

and I’m happy to report we have another Celtic who continued this wonderful tradition. Yesterday during Marcus Smart’s YGC Hoops camp he displayed the ruthlessness and blood thirst that we know and love. I mean this man took no prisoners

The best part is Smart embraces this role. He’s having these kids learn how to take charges, watch film, and when it comes to the court he refuses to show mercy


How can you not love this man? This is why you can’t bring that soft ass shit around Marcus Smart and think things are going to work out well for you. You combine this killer mentality with the quotes he gave yesterday about how he’s going to have to do a lot more and be a better leader for this group given all the changes going on and I don’t know what the wait is to name Marcus Smart a captain.

I think it goes without saying we need to protect Marcus Smart at all costs. He’s simply the best.