
The Details on This Sex Scandal Deputy are Released and They are Insane


A couple of weeks ago you and I were discussing School Resources Officer Elisia Panipinto of Interlaken, NY, who was charged with having School Resource Officer sex with an 8th grade student. And obviously as hard to fathom as the whole Sex Scandal Teacher phenomenon is, it’s incomprehensible to think a cop would trash her career, her benefits, her pension and her life for a few moments of clumsy, unsatisfying boning from a school boy.

Or was. Until now. Introducing Sacramento Sheriff’s Deputy Shauna Bishop, who’s being charged with seducing 16-year-old, who just happens to be the son of her ex-boyfriend. And that sentence, as bizarre as sounds, it’s merely the Bunny Slope at the bottom of a Himalayas of creepiness:

The 16-year-old boy who Sacramento Sheriff’s Deputy Shauna Bishop is charged with seducing is the son of her former boyfriend, a fellow deputy in the department, court records say.

Bishop, 45, was arrested on her birthday last Thursday. …

The boy’s mother … and Bishop became close friends after Bishop and the boy’s father broke up, and Bishop spent the night in late April at the home the mother and son share, court records say.

Bishop arrived at 8 p.m. because she wanted to discuss the boy’s drinking and marijuana use with the mother, court records say. …

By the time that session ended it was midnight and Bishop decided to spend the night, with Bishop sharing the mother’s bed, the documents say. Both women took Ambien, and Bishop offered to help the mother the next morning by preparing the boy’s lunch for school.

Instead, Bishop went to the boy’s room that night, according to a statement he gave police. …

“Then she started kissing on me. While she was kissing me, she was touching my side and I was touching her back and then her legs. Then she moved from touching my side, to my thighs, and began rubbing my penis while she was kissing me. We only made out for a second, and then I think she heard my mom coming, because she stopped.”

The two women left his room, but Bishop returned about two minutes later, court documents say.

“I took her shirt off, and she was kissing on me, and then she started (performing oral sex),” the boy said.

Bishop got up periodically to check the bedroom door, then told him she would be back and left …  and a few minutes later she came back.

“When she walked in she said, ‘I knew this was going to happen tonight.’”

Bishop performed oral sex on the boy, then asked, “Are you ready for this?” and the two had intercourse, the documents say.

Afterward, Bishop performed oral sex on him again, then left “and said something about not telling anyone,” the boy told police. …

That day Bishop and the boy spoke by cell phone in a 69-minute conversation, and Bishop “blamed them having sex on porn,” court documents say.

“Bishop went on to tell (the boy) she watched stepmom/stepson related porn videos that made her (fantasize) about him,” the documents say. “Bishop told (the boy) she thinks about (him) while she masturbates and had wanted them to have sex for a long time.

“She told (the boy) she used to walk around his dad’s house naked, hoping he would walk in on her.”

The documents say that after police seized her cell phone, investigators found “several pornographic web searches (that) revealed she viewed ‘stepmom, stepson’ related pornographic videos prior to the reported incident, and several the day after the reported incident.

“Each video she watched corresponded with the sexual acts performed by Bishop that (the boy) described during his second (police) interview,” the documents say. …

The documents say Bishop claimed she was “disgusted, scared and sad,” and that she had researched side effects of Ambien, the documents say, adding that investigators found no such searches on her phone’s web history.

There’s a tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme. Girl becomes a deputy sheriff. Girl meets boy. Girl loses boy. Girl befriends boy’s ex. Girls pass out in an Ambien stupor. Girl goes after boy’s 16-year-old son to reenact all the stepmom/stepson porn she’s been obsessing over while she’s been waiting for her chance to close the deal with the kid. Girl blames the Ambien while lying about the fact she looked up whether it was Ambien. Girl gets arrested on her 45th birthday. The end.

Even by the exacting standards of Sex Scandal Teacher stories, that is an epic tale. Involving sex, drugs, weirdo relationships, porn and a kinky MILFs with crippling issues. Somewhere a nation of former and aspiring SSTs are reading about Shauna Bishop and are realizing the bar has just been raised. (Or lowered, depending on how you view these things. And that they’d better up (lower) their game if our educators don’t want to be replaced by our law enforcement officers.