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Klay Thompson's Mom And Andre Iguodala's Wife Buy All Of Klay's Clothes For Him

Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Sports Awards 2015 - Arrivals

SF Gate

If his years of showing up to Oracle Arena in jeans and T-shirts are any indication, Warriors guard Klay Thompson doesn’t spend a lot of time worrying about what he puts on in the morning.

And, turns out, he doesn’t spend a lot of time worrying about what’s in his closet either: Thompson outsources some of his clothes shopping to, yes, his mother, and, more unusually, to teammate Andre Iguodala’s wife. In a fashion-focused interview with ESPN, Thompson said the pair serve as his sometimes-personal shoppers.

“My mom and [Iguodala’s] wife go shopping together for us,” Thompson said. “… They have good senses of style.”

Listen, I’m sure there are people knocking Klay Thompson here. I’m sure there are some saying you’re a child if you still have your mom and your best friend’s wife picking out your clothes for you. Well you know what? If Klay Thompson is landing Eiza Gonzalez because Iggy’s wife and Klay’s mom are picking out his outfits everyday then the joke is on you. Those women have style it appears and it’s working. Let Klay focus on basketball and his women, and let other people decide his outfits. I would LOVE for someone with style to pick out my clothes and make me look better.

If this is the end result, don’t change a thing Klay.


