
Gritty Invited To Host Saturday Night Live

During an interview with NHL Network’s Arthur Kade, former Mighty Duck (lest we forget the patented Russ Tyler Knuckle Puck)/SNL comedian Kenan Thompson talked about two big hosting gigs:

1) Thompson himself hosting the NHL Awards on Wednesday, June 19th.

2) Gritty hosting Saturday Night Live in the near future. Not necessarily 100% confirmed… but the invite is clearly there.

From the interview:

Kade: “I want to ask you about Gritty. Gritty has become national news over the last year. What do you think about this orange guy?”

Thompson: “Leave it up to Philly to come up with a crazy mascot like that. Just those eyes… I don’t know, man. He haunts a lot of people’s dreams. I know that.”

Kade: “He’d be a great SNL actor I think.”

Thompson: “Gritty, please, come to SNL. I’ll take care of you. It’s on me, trust me.”

Naturally, this hit Gritty’s radar immediately & he took to Twitter where SNL responded…

It would make sense considering he’s hot off a big Webby Award win for Best Sports-Related Social Media Account.

I’m not quite sure what Gritty hosting would look like since he’s not too into talking, but using my high-speed photoshop skills I imagine it’d be something like this:

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..Without a doubt, if the moon were made of BBQ spare ribs, Gritty would eat the moon & go back for seconds.