
Shoutout To This "Russian Spy" Beluga Whale Who Swam This Girl's Cell Phone Back


The beluga’s odd behavior has certainly made it an international superstar. Whereas white belugas are generally shy around people, this particular one is acting out of character for its species. Seeming to completely adore all the attention it’s getting, the Hammerfest celebrity is allowing residents to pet, feed, and take selfies with it.That includes Ina Mansika and a group of her friends. According to The Dodo, she wanted to see the beluga for herself, and learned firsthand just how eager-to-please the animal can be.

“We laid down on the dock to look at it and hopefully get the chance to pat it,” Ina Mansika told The Dodo. “I had forgotten to close my jacket pocket and my phone fell in the ocean. We assumed it would be gone forever, until the whale dove back down and came back a few moments later with my phone in its mouth!”

After all of the bad shit surrounding Seaworld and the amount of stuff Free Willy had to go through, you would think Whales in general would be salty towards us, but not this guy. This whale has decided that there is too much hatred and violence in the world and that he is going to try to heal some wounds. Is it kind of an empty gesture since the phone is most definitely worthless at this point? Well, some people might say that. Is this whale just trying to get his ass kissed after it was outed as a Russian spy whale the other day? Probably. You know what though… does it really matter?

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The internet in 2019 is a place of headlines and clickbait and this Beluga knows that. 30 seconds of good will just bought him about 3,000 fish over the next couple years. Its almost concerning that he hasn’t gotten a TV deal or a movie deal already in the week that he’s been internet famous. You’re going to want to lock that down before your moment comes and goes, Spy Whale. First he is trained by the Russians, then he defects, then he starts saving humans possessions and becoming a fan favorite. It has hallmark written all over it.

How pissed are all the Dolphins who have pulled this move before to much less fanfare?