
I Found A Charity To Donate The Proceeds From The Cyclone Idai T-Shirt Fundraiser And Couldn't Be Prouder To Be A Stoolie

You’ve probably heard this phrase used around our corner of the internet, but the stoolies have done it once again. As some of you may recall, A couple months ago I put out barstools first African print shirt in support of Cyclone Idai Relief.

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Well I’m here to report that with your help I was able to raise $18,425.49 which will be donated to the Higherlife Foundation. The foundation was founded by prominent Zimbabwean businessman Strive Masiyiwa who has no political ties, which is something that is very important to me. You can read more about their work here.

On behalf of my people, I would like to thank everyone that bought a shirt. I’m incredibly blessed to be a small part of this community that Dave has created, and it brings a sense of pride when we rally behind a common cause. In a couple weeks, ill headed back to Zimbabwe for the first time in 3 years and I plan on visiting the affected communities. I’ll make sure to fill you guys in upon return.

In conclusion I’d like to give a shout out to Kundai from Higherlife Foundation who has helped out a lot throughout the process. I’d like to thank my coworkers here at Barstool, who all got behind me when I decided to do this fundraiser. Lastly without Dave and this platform he built none of this is possible, so A big thank you goes out to him.

God bless you all and Viva La Stool
