
This Shift By The Avalanche Is Stan Bowman's Wet Dream

Live look at Stan Bowman

bowman lottery

I couldn’t find a more appropriate picture on the internet, but what I really wanted was a Stan version of the Belichick combine meme

belichick meme

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That shift was of course a combo of Sam Girard and Cale Makar

Sam Girard: 5’10 162 lbs

Cale Makar: 5’11 187lbs

Why does that make Stan Bowman harder than a guy with a Roman subscription?

Adam Boqvist: 6ft 181lbs

Henri Jokiharju: 6ft 192lbs

Ian Mitchell: 5’11 174lbs

Chad Krys: 5’11 185lbs

Nic Beaudin: 5’11 174lbs

It’s hard not to watch that shift and fantasize about Boqvist and Mitchell one day teaming up to give a similar look as Kane or Debrincat dart around the offensive zone looking for passing lanes and space and Brent Seabrook and Erik Gustafsson are on the bench.

I mean just read this little blurb and tell me who it is about

A flashy offensive defenceman who takes advantage of opportunities and is always looking to make an impact each shift. Works very hard and isn’t afraid to play the body. Skates with exceptional exuberance and fluidity. Accurate release on his shot and a good eye for open passing lanes. Proactive defensively and puts the pressure on the opposition. Needs to have a more active stick and a more felt presence in shooting lanes, but he has shown a willingness to learn, and these skills will develop. All-in-all, an exciting offensive defenceman who displays noteworthy offensive and defensive instincts

Who would you guess that is? Sounds like…all of them. It’s Girard in reality, but it could easily Boqvist who has basically the same write up.

A dynamic offensive defenceman that can carry plays with the puck on his stick. A highly mobile and nimble skater that moves with fluidity, balance, and confidence. Utilizes an active stick and creates turnovers frequently. Could be more proactive in his own end, but has shown progression in understanding lanes and reading unfolding plays; most of his best defensive work comes through the neutral zone, as there is a lot less time and space to work with, and it is in those moments that Boqvist shines. 

The future on defense is coming. It’s probably not going to come fast enough, but hope is a great thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. With that…let’s get tingly inside