
If You're Having A Bad Day, This Will Turn It Around In A Hurry

It’s ok, we’re all crying.

I don’t care how many of these videos I see, I absolutely love them. They never get old. For every bad story about a bad person that flashes across the ticker, there are stories like this that help restore our faith in humanity. And God knows we all could use that right now.

You might not know who Tyrel Dodson is but here are the facts you need:

– He played linebacker at Texas A&M.
– He’s pretty, pretty, pretty good at football.
– He declared for the NFL draft a year early (and it’s going to be tough AF to replace him in College Station).
– And last but certainly not least, he’s a REALLY good person.

The NFL went with him to go see his best friend William Gawlas compete in the Special Olympics this week and as you an see, their relationship is awesome. 0% forced. They met through Best Buddies their sophomore year of high school when William used to call him “pretty boy like Chris Brown” and they’ve remained close ever since.

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This is the kind of guy that no matter what jersey he wore, wears or ends up wearing, you root for him to succeed. How can you not?

So if you need to feel better today, this video will 1000% do the trick.

Gig ‘Em, Tyrel.