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Blake Griffin Chants 'Ref You Suck' On The Court, Becomes 1st Player To Foul Out; Hmm...

I’m not one to scream conspiracy theory, but I am here for all conspiracy theories. Blake started to chant ‘ref you suck’ at the end of the first half. Then he became the first person to foul out of the game:

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Seems like something that makes you think.

Blake was absolutely unreal in this game though. I mean the dude probably shouldn’t have played but decided to anyways. Credit to him for that. He played wearing this ridiculous brace:

But I’ll always remember this game for him chanting ref you suck. It’s such an A+ move. I love him even more. The guy had an All-NBA season, but I’m willing to put him 3rd in MVP voting after that chant.