
I'm Very Excited For Hulu's Series About Theranos And Elizabeth Holmes

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TV Line - Kate McKinnon‘s next small-screen role is no laughing matter. The Saturday Night Live standout will reportedly executive-produce and star in a limited series about disgraced entrepreneur Elizabeth Holmes, according to our sister site Deadline.

Once billed as the next Steve Jobs, Holmes founded a privately held health technology company called Theranos in 2003 when she was just 19 years old. By 2013, the company — which claimed to have developed more accurate blood tests that required less blood than traditional exams — was worth about $10 billion, but a series of reports and scandals eventually exposed Theranos as a scam.


Remember when Serial came out and you got super obsessed with that? And then the Fyre Festival documentaries came out and you got super obsessed with everything surrounding that? Well that’s what’s happening with me right now and Elizabeth Holmes/Theranos. I might be a little late to it to be honest, but also, if I’m late to it, that means there are so, so many people who are also late to it. And let me tell you, you have to get on board. It’s like Fyre Fest times 10 billion. The general gist of it is this woman Elizabeth Holmes created a company called Theranos and was called the next Steve Jobs and claimed her invention would revolutionize medical technology forever, and it was all a lie. It’s absolutely incredible and the podcast about it, called “The Drop Out” is a must listen. I got hooked on it when I was looking for something to listen to at the gym and I’d already listened to all of the podcasts on the Barstool Network and all the Call Her Daddy podcasts twice, and Riggs suggested it. And now I am HOOKED.

I’ve heard the HBO documentary about this sucked, so if that was your introduction to it, give the podcast a listen.

I am just so fascinated by this entire thing, and I want as many people to be hip to it as possible. If you enjoyed hearing about the Fyre Fest fraud, you ain’t heard nothing yet.