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Virginia Players Danced All Over Texas Tech's Grave To 'Old Town Road' On Social Media

The absolute disrespect! I love it. I told you Ty Jerome is a motherfucker and apparently this is off the court as well. Part of what makes Virginia so good is the fact that Jerome isn’t afraid of the moment and just tough as nails. He’s also willing to dance right over your dead ass grave.

And you can say sure, they were just celebrating. No doubt about that. I personally like to imagine they knew this would make social media. I want to live in a world where dudes celebrate and can rub it in a bit. Give me that. Let me have that one thing.

Also, Jack Salt is 100% going to be celebrating until they kick him out of Charlottesville. That gigantic man with the red solo cup is just never leaving. You can’t kick someone from New Zealand out. It’s just a rule.

It is a great song though. Even better when you can use it to dance all over the grave of the team you beat.