
Wake Up With Vin Scully Telling Everyone That Tori Hunter's Dad Was A Crack Addict On Live TV
Umm, hey Vin Scully, what the fuck? Just throwing out random facts about players before their at-bat is cool, but tossing out there that Tori Hunter's dad was a crack head and stole his favorite jacket? Weird flex. This was seriously out of left field for Vin, who people LOVED when he was in the booth. I kept waiting to hear a joke or something, but nope, just a story about Tori Hunter, his dad loving crack, and a crack pipe. The voice made it soothing, but it was still a story about the father disappearing with his favorite jacket. Then the lovely story about his dad coming back with said jacket and Tori wearing it to school the next day and a crack pipe falling out of the jacket when he went to answer a question.
Seriously, what the hell? Just airing out dirty laundry during an at-bat? This read like a SNL skit or something like that. Very strange move from Vin. I do enjoy how he doesn't break stride and is still calling the strikes and balls midway through the convo.