
Crazy Video Shows Man Running Into Blaze To Save His Best Friend And I Felt Lots Of Feelings


From KUSI News:

The fire that tore through Jose Guzman’s home in Pala destroyed almost everything his family owned, except for one thing, their dog.

In cell phone video that’s gone viral, Guzman is seen rushing past firefighters and into his burning home in a frantic search for his dog. Fighting heavy smoke, Guzman ran to the back and found Gabbana still on her leash, but crouched inside the bathroom, the only room that had not burned.

With his adrenaline pumping, Guzman said he did not realize that he had been burned on his face and arms, until the rescue was over. His two and a half year old dog was singed on her nose and paws.

In the blaze, Jose, his wife and three daughters lost almost all their possessions, including the tools that Jose uses for work.

Guzman works two jobs, in construction, and as a landscaper. However, amid the rubble and ruin, Guzman said he sees the blessings. He has his family and their love, including the love of one family member who can’t put her appreciation into words.

When asked what does the dog mean to him, he told us with his voice choking up with emotion, “She’s been with us forever. She’s part of the family. We love her.”

This is one of those things where I like to think I’d do the same for my pets (3 small plants), but you never know until you’re in the moment, and hopefully you’re never in that moment. Guzman’s family lost everything but he made sure they didn’t lose a key member of the family, and having their girl safe had to be a big comfort & relief in such a rough time.

If you’re interested in donating to their GoFundMe you can click HERE.

Man, I felt so much emotion over that story of selfless love I couldn’t possibly take any mo….


Via NBC New York:

A man and his dog jumped into a frozen reservoir to save two other dogs that had fallen through the ice in a heroic rescue that was caught on video.

Yonkers resident Timothy Yuriev was walking around Irvington Reservoir with his wife and dog when they heard a woman screaming, he told News 4.

“First we heard the screaming, the woman was screaming for her dogs… and then we saw two dogs crossing the lake,” Yuriev said.

The two dogs had somehow fallen through the ice and were paddling in place, but had started to get tired and give up.

That’s when Yuriev sprang into action.

“I was looking at them and I realized, alright, so… the rescuer, they will come maybe in 10, 15 minutes. The dogs might have hypothermia,” he said.

Yuriev’s English Golden Retriever, Kira, went in after him, the video shows. The two of them were able to successfully save the two canines.

Man, it’s almost like there’s some good things happening in this wacky world. It’s almost overwhelming, I don’t know how much more of it I can handl…..

