
I Can Think Of So Many Things I'd Rather Do Than Break My Nose Tonight

You know, going into your Saturday night unscathed, and coming out of it with a question mark shaped nose seems like the worst possible scenario you could ever ask for. Honestly. What could possibly be worse?

Sure, Yana Kunistkaya got the dub tonight (albeit a bit controversially), but this is the MMA equivalent of winning the battle and losing the war, in my eyes.

Marion Reneau is gonna regroup with her team tonight, probably be bummed out for a bit about coming up short, go get some drinks, and go back to life fairly regularly tomorrow morning. Kunistkaya is going to go have somebody snap her busted ass nose back into place, probably require surgery on that bad boy, and spend the next few weeks in no-contact recovery.

Jeff D Lowe broke his nose like 6 months ago and homeboy still can’t laugh too hard without tearing up and wincing in pain. Nooooo fuckin thank you on that one, chief.

Best of luck to Yana on recovering from this nasty injury.