
Could The 1990s WWF Roster Beat The 1927 Yankees?

I’d never seen the above clip in my life before today, but now can’t imagine life without it.

The WWF’s 1990s roster playing softball, half of ‘em in their gear, half shirtless, NONE of ‘em wearing gloves, and with zero fucks given is everything I never knew I wanted all in sixty compact seconds.

From Shawn Michaels rocking the massive chaw dawg…

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All the way to “Macho Man” Randy Savage BLASTING a ball to the god damn motherfucking stratosphere…

…this clip has got it all.

I can’t stop watching it over and over and over again, honestly. It’s nostalgia for a time before I was born, sure, but it’s as strong as any nostalgia I’ve ever known. God bless the 1990s WWF.

h/t Mike Bartholomew?