
It Looks Like Josh Gordon is Coming Back and Bringing Hell With Him

SourceJosh Gordon isn’t throwing in the towel on his NFL career — it’s the opposite — he’s been training like a maniac with an Olympic sprinter in the hopes of returning to dominance.

Sources connected to the wide receiver tell TMZ Sports … Gordon has been working out at Numa Speed in Florida with Tim Montgomery, a former Team USA sprinter who won a gold medal in the 4×100 in 2000.

We’re told the two have been grinding 6 days a week for several hours a day, focusing on speed and power.

Seems to be going well … Josh posted photos of a recent workout session on social media and, shocker, he looks jacked.

Gordon — sporting a TB12 T-shirt — is clearly trying to send a message to his New England Patriots teammates … showing he’s bustin’ his ass and is serious on returning to the team.

So let’s review. Josh Gordon is spending six days a week living a Rocky training montage with an Olympic gold medal sprinter. He’s wearing a TB12 6-rings shirt and saying it’s the source of his super powers. He’s posting videos of the highlights from his 11 game Patriots career. And his Instagram bio now simply reads “Super Bowl LIII Champion.” All this and we’re barely into March.

Yeah, I’d say it’s safe to assume he’s serious about coming back.

Not that I’m recommending we kid ourselves. If I learned anything from 17 years of working in the court system … actually, let me restart that sentence because I rarely paid attention and didn’t learn a thing. If I learned anything from a hundred Very Special Episodes of sitcoms:

… it’s that overcoming addiction is never a straight path. There are bumps, complications and setbacks and lots of starting over from Square One. Which, from a distance, looks like what Gordon is doing. Hopefully replacing the crutch of banned substances with the rocketship of a crazy-intense daily fitness regimen. While sending a message to his teammates that he’s serious about getting back on the field.


If I was laying odds, I’d take his chances off the board because not even he knows if he can maintain it once the season starts. It’s almost a certainty a suspension is coming, and even Roger Goodell doesn’t know for how long. All we do know is the Patriots have his rights. They’d love to have him back. He’s doing exactly what they would hope he’s doing. And when he does get back on the field, he’s going to be a nightmare for opposing defenses. Maybe even the best acquisition in the league, so long as he stays clean and sober. And while I won’t be any more than cautiously optimistic, I’ll gladly take an offseason of posts like this. Godspeed.