
Matt Kuchar Has Issued A Statement Apologizing For His Comments This Week And Will Pay El Tucan The Full $50,000

There we go, this was the right move by Matt Kuchar. Apologize for everything, apologize for the comments to the media and pay the dude his money. That’s it. That’s all he had to do. Kuchar had been putting his foot in his mouth over and over and over again by saying the things he said. If he had just paid El Tucan $50,000 at the beginning then Kuchar’s reputation would still be full intact and nobody would’ve even known about this. There would be no story.

People are gonna be pissed and say, “Kuchar didn’t owe the guy any more money than the amount they agreed to at the beginning of the week” and that’s technically true. But weirdly the problem with that is Kuchar ended up winning the tournament and making 1.3 million dollars and that flipped everything. The agreed upon amount was the agreed upon amount but Kuchar then has to realize how bad it’s gonna look to the public if he only gives the guy a couple thousand dollars. Like it or not, that’s why this all became a story in the first place.

Then Kuchar made the mistake of doubling down and saying things like, “I don’t lose sleep over it.” I said it in my original blog but you just can’t say that. Even if Kuchar means it. Saying something like that makes him look like a giant dick. That’s all water under the bridge now with that statement from Kuchar. Will it totally clear Kuchar’s reputation? Most likely not. There are people who will always look at him as a cheapskate and an asshole. That’s just how the world works.

PS- Who ever thought we’d find ourselves in a situation where MATT KUCHAR was doing a Friday afternoon news dump? Those odds had to astronomical before all this started.