
Nothing Screams Wisconsin Basketball Like Brad Davison Taking 5 Charges Vs NC State

Just absolutely hilarious. Even watching it live you just had to sit there and laugh. I mean it’s no surprise Brad Davison was taking charges, the announcers had a charge count going by his third. Obviously none were bigger than his fifth, which was an A+ in flopping class, but a charge because that’s what was called. It helped secure the win for Wisconsin in what was a weird game. NC State was in control for about 38 minutes of that game before Wisconsin finally took the lead. Every time before then Wisconsin would cut the game to 1 or 2 and then NC State would push it back up to 7. But, that’s not the story here. The story here is five charges.

I think I have to say it. This 100% means Wisconsin is back. Also, America is really going to hate Brad Craft Davison if that’s the case. Just wait until they find out he’s just a sophomore.