
Apparently Antivirus Software Guy John McAfee Tried To Bang A Whale

You don’t say.

Whale I’m sorry for blubbering about this guy & it’s probably just some kind of attempted joke.. but on the other hand I wouldn’t really put it past him. To scroll his Twitter account is to take a Hunter S. Thompson-esque trip through a brilliant yet delusional man’s insanity. Whether it’s all an elaborate act or not, I have no clue.

For a quick refresh John McAfee is a British-American computer programmer who founded the software company McAfee Associates & ran it until 1994. Anti-virus notifications bearing his name probably used to pop up on your computer all the time and now he’s more of a human virus. McAfee’s that crazy uncle who makes everyone uncomfortable that the family doesn’t like to talk about but keeps tabs on ’cause he’s rich.

Anyways, he’s suspected of ordering the murder of his then-neighbor Greg Faull & another man named Dave Middleton while in Belize (along with accusations of drugging & raping a woman), then he accused others of trying to assassinate him back in the U.S.

He’s since dipped out of the states after fearing The Man was coming for him & resides with an odd posse (Team McAfee) & a security squad in a compound of sorts that feels like it’s straight out of a reality show.



And now he spends his time with crypto stuff & being extremely weird online. I’m thoroughly skeeved out by him but it’s also the old “I don’t want to look at this terrible car crash but I can’t look away” type of thing for me. (In this case it’s a Rolls Royce ramming a clown car.)

And yet – he’s still raking in the dough. Want him to tweet about your company’s crypto ICOs (initial coin offerings)? It’ll cost you around $100K because he remains extremely influential in that world despite being batshit crazy. Hate to say it but whatever he does next I’ll probably be lurking to see out of morbid curiosity.