
Who Knew That You Could Be Deemed Extremely Drunk And Kicked Out Of A Curling Tournament In Canada

I’m sorry, I thought this was America, err Canada. Plus, isn’t this how curling typically goes? I have so many questions about all of this. Based on my research – which was remembering the time I watched curling in the Olympics – I have come to this assumption. You can be drunk during curling and in fact that’s encouraged, but there’s a line and that’s apparently when you’re extremely drunk.

“They went out to curl and they were extremely drunk and breaking brooms and swearing and just unacceptable behaviour that nobody wants to watch or hear or listen to and it was just ‘enough was enough,'” facility manager Wade Thurber told CBC Sports.

“There was some damage in the locker room and other teams complaining about their stuff being kicked around in the locker room. So at the end of the day, it was like ‘OK, that’s enough of this gong show.’ The committee for the bonspiel collectively decided that we needed to remove them from the spiel for this year and what happens down the road, I’m not sure yet.”

Oh, now we can’t even swear? I’m backing the drunk guys here. This is curling. Let’s not pretend like it’s some polite sport. In fact we should encourage these guys to be shitfaced just screaming at each other. Give me some personality like All Business Pete on the curling tour. Be normal for me one time, Canada.