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Somebody Donated An Albino Python To Goodwill If You Want It

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FORT WORTH, Texas — A Goodwill worker collecting clothes and other items at a Texas sorting centre was surprised to find an albino python clinging to the side of a bin. The python was huddled in a pile of clothes when the worker discovered it Thursday at the centre in Fort Worth. Manager James Murphy says it’s not clear if the snake slithered away from its owner and was accidentally dropped off or if its donation was intentional. The python had a serpentine journey: It arrived at one of nearly 40 Goodwill donation drop-offs in the area before being transported to the Fort Worth sorting centre. Goodwill staffers will care for the python until the owner claims it or a permanent home is found.

What a deal! Do you have any idea how much a python like that costs at full price? I didn’t either but I looked it up and they go for hundreds and hundreds of dollars. And those are just the baby ones. I couldn’t find how much a full grown python costs but I’d be willing to bet it’s in the multiple thousands/not legal at all to own one in the first place. But for the people of Fort Worth, it’s their lucky day! They can get a python for cheap at their local Goodwill. We’re not talking about your average python, either. We’re talking about an ALBINO python which either makes it more enticing to prospective owners or more terrifying. I vote for terrifying but there are some fucking freaks out there who love snakes enough to keep them as pets. One of those freaks has to be chomping at the bit to get their hands on that albino python. It’s their lucky day if they live in Texas.

Why do you think the albino python got dropped off in the first place? I like to think the previous owner of the albino python got in way over his head and didn’t realize how big it was gonna get but also didn’t want to leave the snake on the side of the road to die. He loved the snake too much to simply abandon it. So what did he/she decide to do? They decided to donate it to Goodwill and hope it found a good home. It’s like when people leave a baby on someone’s door step, ring their doorbell and run away. That’s a way nicer thing to do than toss the baby in a dumpster. That must be what happened here. Did I just compare an albino python being donated to a Goodwill to a baby being thrown in a dumpster? Yeah I sure did and it makes sense. Anyway, go get that snake if you want it!