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We Had Another Don La Greca Meltdown, This Time Over A Caller Guessing That Matt Forte Would Be The First Jet To Score A Touchdown This Sunday

Lets fucking go, Donald!!! Look, I have been and will forever be a Mike Francesa diehard. Mongo Nation 4 Life, Numbah One in my heart, yada yada yada. I am literally wearing my GOAT shirt while writing this blog.

That’s how you push merch. Eat your heart out Duckboat Boys

But even I have to admit that Don La Greca turning into a certified lunatic every so often is damn near must watch material. Everyone has that one friend who is hilarious to watch when they go nuts. Currently Mike is the king of that for New York radio. But there will be a day when Mike finally hangs up his headphones and decides to take his Diet Cokes to South Beach, which means we will need someone else to blow a gasket at New York callers because of their stupidity or for being trolls. And based on everything we have seen, Don is clearly Numbah Two on that list.

Don’t get me wrong, I won’t listen to the Michael Kay Show or anything. But I know whenever a video hits the internet of Don losing his marbles, I will drop whatever I am doing to watch a grown man turn into a Roger Rabbit after he took a shot because someone dropped a hot take about a New York athlete or team that he didn’t agree with.


As for the actual call, that guy was obviously a troll because the last time Matt Forte scored a touchdown for the Jets was during that Color Rush from hell where all the color blindos couldn’t tell the difference between teams. Don probably thought he did the right thing by hanging up on the guy to save the sanctity of the contest. However, everyone knows that internet trolls scare easily but they’ll be back…And in greater numbers. Don doing this and the video getting traction only means that there will be 100 more trolls calling back over the next few days to see which one can make Don’s head explode next. And as Mike Francesa’s Twitter mentions will tell you, that’s a scary place to be. But the next time Mount La Greca explodes, I will be there to watch him turn five different shades of red before throwing something across the room then trying to convince everyone that he is fine.