
Up To 200 Students Were Involved In A North Philly Fight Outside A McDonalds...200!!!!!

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NBC Philly – Police say more than a dozen young people were detained after a large brawl in North Philadelphia in which three officers were injured. A police spokesman says officers were called to the Hunting Park neighborhood after the fight was reported outside a McDonald’s resaturant at Broad Street and Hunting Park Avenue. Police say upon the officers’ arrival things immediately deteriorated “into a riotous condition” involving about 150 to 200 students. After multiple calls for assistance by Philadelphia and transit police officers, the situation was brought under control just before 5 p.m. Tuesday.

Whoa there – HUNDREDS of kids. Think about that. How nervous would you get caught up in a violent scene with a dozen or so people?. Now multiple that by at least 10, maybe 20. It’s unfathomable. With that amount of people you don’t a little scuffle You have a motherfucking BATTLE that could shut down the entire city. It’s like the highlanders coming down on their own by the hundreds and thousands. But instead of the Scottish uniting against the tyranny of the English it’s teenagers descending from North Philly to…I don’t even know. One thing’s for damn sure, this going down before the sunset is some seriously scary shit. Strutting hammered and alone at 3 am in Philly isn’t the smartest play in the book. And doing it in some parts of the city is essentially a death wish. But having to worry about getting caught up in a stampede of whippersnappers with zero after school activities is not ideal. Head on a swivel, Philly.

At least these kids were smart enough to stay in their confines of North Philly and didn’t venture out to challenge other parts of the city. Why? Cause ain’t no fight like a West Philly fight cause a West Philly fight don’t stop!