
Pro Tip: Don't Tell A Sold Out Arena In Seattle That Seattle Doesn't Deserve A Basketball Team

I know we’re in the midst of Fight Week madness (well, really – the madness starts tomorrow), but I couldn’t let this glorious act of “cheap heat” go unnoticed.

Last night on Monday Night RAW at the KeyArena in Seattle, Washington, Elias and Kevin Owens took to the ring for a quick song/crowd roasting session, and sorrrrrta struck a nerve. Turns out – bringing up the Supersonics and telling an arena full of former Supersonics fans that it’d be a dumb idea to bring the Supersonics back – not gonna makes folks in Seattle love ya! The duo were booed ruthlessly for over six minutes following the comment, and legitimately stole the show designed to be a giant go-home for Triple H vs The Undertaker…”One Last Time” (spoiler alert: it won’t be the last time).

Cheap heat works in mysterious ways, don’t it? Sometimes, a shitty heel goes out and insults the sports team of the town they’re in and it’s almost dreadful to sit through, where they’re really just going through the motions. Other times, though, every once in a while…something magical happens. Everyone in the crowd decides wrestling’s still real to them, dammit, if only for six minutes, to unleash the loudest, most vengeful BOOOOOs their vocal chords allow them to, and all is right with the world for just a moment.

This, ladies and gentlemen, was a cheap heat masterpiece.