
So An Angry Racehorse Gallops Into A French Bar...

Early one morning when I was a kid a huge, brown horse went galloping past me down the street & then turned the corner out of sight while I stood at the bus stop. It was the most exciting thing that had happened to me there since a bee flew up my high-water bellbottom pants & stung my leg the year before. Wild times.

After the horse ran by I looked around & no one was chasing it or anything, and when the bus pulled up I wanted to tell my friends but knew I’d sound like a nutcase. I’m pretty sure it had escaped the farm down the street but never did find out what happened to it. I like to think he made it out of there & is living the stud life on Assateague Island where they all roam free.

Speaking of roaming free (great transition, Kate) a racehorse north of Paris bolted from its handler & ran straight for the closest betting/sports bar, bucking over tables & terrifying customers and staff. According to Reuters the horse already had a ‘penchant for running away’.

“There was quite a panic. I still can’t quite believe it happened,” bar owner Stephane Jasmin told Reuters.

Weird. In other news, has anyone seen Alright Frankie lately? Heard a rumor he want over to France with Riggs and…