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Chevy Chase Says SNL Is "The Worst Fucking Humor" And Rips On Eddie Murphy, Tina Fey, Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell. Battle Rap Time?

Looks like SOMEBODY didn’t want to be left out of September 2018 – The Month of the Feud.   Eminem and MGK, Smitty vs. Nate, Nate vs. KFC, Nate vs. The Internet.  Every day somebody new is talking shit, starting fights, taking shots below the belt.  At Barstool it all culminated with a rap battle between the two whitest men in New York City.  Maybe that’s where Chevy Chase will end up, but for now, the opening shots come from a magazine article.

First Chevy goes after SNL in general.  How the show is horrible now (nicer language than he uses) and how Lorne Michaels has mailed it in.

“I mean it just gets so bad and it seems like some guys are out there just to be the guy who says, ‘Live from New York,’ and then does it poorly,” he says during an appearance on “Norm Macdonald Has A Show” on Netflix. “Anyway, that’s not nice of me to say, but…f*** ’em.”

Of course, Chase seems to think he nailed the line pretty well during his tenure on the show in the early days of “SNL”, but soon after his departure in 1976, he claims the show went “downhill.”

“I’d have to say, that after the first two years, it went downhill,” Chase says in a lengthy profile in The Washington Post. “Why am I saying that? Because I was in it? I guess. That’s a horrible thing to say. But certainly, I never had more fun. I really loved it and enjoyed it. I didn’t see the same fun thing happening to the cast the next year.” [ET Canada]

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But it gets even better.  The reporter, reading his subject perfectly, pushes it by going down the list of universally beloved SNL actors over the years.   People that everyone loves!  …Right???

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Damn.  That’s not Eminem going after Benzino.  That’s a list of HEAVY hitters.  Will Ferrell, Eddie Murphy, Tina Fey, Kristen Wiig – that’s a murderer’s row of some of the biggest, most successful to ever do it.  They say don’t punch down, well Chevy took that to heart, leaned back and started swinging at the sky.

The funniest part that gets lost in all this is that the purpose of the article was to talk about why Chevy Chase isn’t getting any acting jobs and why everybody thinks he’s such an asshole.   It’s not often you get an unintended live look at the answers forming right in front of your face.


I don’t give a fuck what Chevy Chase says, do not ever slander this movie.  No, not movie.  Film.  Work of art.
