
People Tried To Dump A Giant Dead Whale Into A Dumpster And It Went VERY Poorly

That’s just not how you get rid of a giant whale. I’m not a whale disposal expert but I do know you don’t try to pour it into a much-too-small dumpster. I don’t know if I’m allowed to laugh at that video or not. The whale deserved a much more honorable death and disposal than that. They needed a way bigger dumpster. Simple as that. Like a wayyyyyyyyy bigger dumpster. Whoever eyeballed that dumpster and was like, “Yep that’ll definitely work for a 4,000-pound whale” should probably find another line of work completely. The way the dead whale corpse just flopped onto the ground was all sorts of sad. you could feel that everybody involved was like, “Aw damn. That was bad.”

Why did they take the whale off whatever beach they found it on anyway? Pretty bizarre behavior if you ask me. Because then there’s gonna be a rotting whale corpse in that dumpster and that has to smell something fierce. I’d shove that dead whale back out to sea like I brush crumbs under the couch and forget about them. Done and done. Sounds like they wanted to run an autopsy on the whale which I find equally bizarre but just find a different whale.