
Did Alexander Ovechkin Break Pittsburgh Sports Forever?

NHL: MAY 23 Stanley Cup Playoffs Eastern Conference Finals Game 7 - Capitals at Lightning

Im doing a quick trek back through history to figure out when Pittsburgh turned from Titletown to Quittsburgh and as near I can figure it- it was when the Washington Capitals made them bite the curb in the 2018 Stanley Cup playoffs, then The Cleveland Browns broke their brains by tying them, or as Big Ben calls it- a hung jury but for sports. Then Patrick Mahomes dug up there corpse and filled their coffin with a turd that he crapped out of his butt from 43 yds away into zone coverage.

Now we go from asking if Pittsburgh is a contender to having the legitmate debate- Could Alabama beat the Steelers?

Say what you want about Nick Saban but he dosen’t actually lose players. Sure he has players go missing to the public, but he knows exactley what hog farm there limbs are buried under. Mike Tomlin on the other hand has literaly lost the lockeroom. Brown and Bell are off somehwere doing god knows what with god knows who- they realy are MIA because all they wanna do is bang and take their money. The only player on the entire team Tomlin knows for sure he can locate is Ben Rothlisberger but thats just due to his court mandated ankle monitoring device.

The other big question we have to ask is Is Donald Trump detsroying the Steelers because there owner was Obama’s ambassador to Ireland or is it because Ben Rothlisberger slept with his girlfriend? Whose to say and we likely wont have the answer anytime soon.