
Florida Man Attempts To Cut His Neighbor's Hand Off With a Chainsaw After a Dispute Over Shrubbery

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According to the sheriff’s office, around 6:34 p.m., deputies responded to a call about an ongoing dispute between neighbors.

The initial call was about an aggravated battery. The ongoing issue was between the neighbors about shrubs that are growing between the property lines. The alleged suspect, Gregory Landaker, was using a chainsaw to cut the shrub down and was dragging the branches for disposal.

The alleged victim, Jeffrey Zlocki, arrived on scene and observed that “his bushes” were being removed. Zlocki went and “hugged” the shrubs, according to the sheriff’s office, to keep them from being cut down.

As Landaker resumed cutting the branches with the chainsaw, the victim was struck by the blade, causing a deep laceration to his left hand. Zlocki was taken to Tampa General Hospital for surgery.

Just you casual neighborhood dispute over some shrubbery. You know how it goes. You notice a bush is hanging over your boundary fence so you go to chop it down and get it off your property. Your neighbor gets home and naturally goes to hug his precious bush in an attempt to save it from being dismembered because that’s not a weird thing to do. What do you do? Well, first you have to check what state you’re currently residing in. Once you confirm you are in Florida and not any of the other 49 states, you get the go ahead in your brain to proceed to use your chainsaw and try to saw through your neighbor’s hand. Standard Florida protocol. The accused neighbor claimed it was all an accident, but video surveillance confirmed he clearly was trying to use his chainsaw as a weapon. I imagine he gets a little fine and that’s it considering this is Florida. The victim might even be the one at fault in their court of law.

I love neighbor fights. Ditka vs. Phil and Buck Weston was an all-timer in Kicking and Screaming. Don’t fuck with Ditka’s lawn.