
Nick Diaz Is Fucking FURIOUS About The Ads That Play On His Pandora


Alright. I know that ain’t an easy read. I know it’s a bear to get through. I’m not going to ask you to decipher it, and I’m not even going to ask you to read through my attempting deciphering of it. If either of those things happened, we’d be here all day. Luckily for us, Lucas Jewell gave it his best shot…

So what Diaz is saying is that he’s tired of some commercial popping up while he’s trying to listen to music on Pandora. He goes on to ask “Conner McGregor” for some money to pay for an ad-free, premium subscription.


Nick, I’m gonna be honest, I’m not rich, but I’ll pay for your Pandora Plus. It’s like $4.99 a month. Just let me know, man. No reason to let those ads tear you up like this.