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Paraglider Terrorizing British Town With Cuss Filled Fly-By Attacks

Bexhill-on-Sea is known as the birthplace of British motor racing but it’s also enjoyed for its peaceful location on the English Channel just south of London. People enjoy hiking, sightseeing & even paragliding on the town’s beautiful Galley Hill cliffs… but lately there’s been a facking-cack-handed-wank-pudding-crumpet of a problem raining down hate from above.

According to The Independent:

A police spokesman said: “Over the past two years Sussex Police has received reports of the paraglider causing criminal damage, obstructing the highway, being abusive and hostile towards members of the public and generally behaving in an antisocial manner.

“It has also been alleged he intimidates people by flying low over the seafront.”

Some of his victims said they now avoided the hill to keep clear of him.

“He is evil,” said Richard Porter. “His language foul and obscene. We fell foul of him on more than one occasion. My wife will no longer go up there in case he is there.”

paraglider map

I picture this guy as the chimney sweep from Mary Poppins but with the cockney accent dialed up a few notches along with some deep internal rage. If it’s not that, I have another guess…