
Warning: If You Interrupt This Bartender’s Motor-boating Show With A Slap On The Ass, She Will Retaliate

So weird. I thought everyone whose job is pouring day-shots down the throats of blacked out people while wearing the outfit from the toxic music video had a level head. Guess I was wrong.

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I’ve never been to New Orleans but I’m willing to bet this type of interaction is far more common than most people think. You mix basic white bitches with a non-existent open container law and people get slapped. That’s the way it’s always been. Poor bartender had probably been taking abuse all day. You have to feel for Becky though, she had NO idea the wrath that was coming her way. Even gave her the ‘let’s talk it out’ hands.

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At least the guy in the chair seemed to enjoy it. He was able to catch his breath long enough to crack a smile before being smothered to death by her jugs.

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Credit to her for getting the job done. It’s just a shame that no one in the bar was sober enough to appreciate her commitment to the craft. Oh well, the show must go on. I’m sure she’s forgotten all about it by now anyway. That’s what happens when you motorboat the masses. Here’s to a speedy recovery for all parties involved.